Asset Seizure Protection

Is the IRS Going to Confiscate Your Home, Your Car, and Even Your Retirement Accounts?

Contact Us Immediately to Avoid IRS Seizures.

Long-time tax liability might be met with the most extreme forms of compensation by the IRS. It is within their right to seize assets- like your home, your car, and valuables such as jewelry, and collectibles to pay off the debt. These items might not be even sold at fair market value; the government’s goal is to quickly take money from you by any means possible.

They might even collect by seizing your insurance policies and retirement accounts, leaving you with absolutely nothing.

There is a three-step process that the IRS follows before they seize any of your property. First, the IRS issues you a notice, next, you must refuse to pay, and finally, the IRS will issue a final notice. If it does get to this point, you can request a collection due process hearing. Getting experienced representation in your corner at this hearing can make all the difference.

Contact us immediately to take action and start a plan that will satisfy the IRS’s need to collect from you. With our help, your planned course of action for taking care of tax liability is going to be far preferable to the course of action the government will enforce upon you.

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